Do you experience abdominal pain, headaches, feel tense, sad or irritable or feel bloated and uncomfortable in the days leading up to your period? If you do, you may be experiencing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).

The following simple dietary and lifestyle changes can help you put an end to PMS without the need of drugs:

* Watch your diet: Avoid any salty foods and drink tons of water instead of any caffeinated drinks. Salt can cause bloating and water retention and caffeine is known for exacerbating PMS symptoms like irritability.

* Don’t forget to take your vitamins:  A balanced nutrition is crucial when it comes to reducing PMS symptoms. Taking a daily women’s multivitamin and ensuring your calcium and vitamin D levels are up will help you experience fewer and less severe PMS symptoms.

* Drink a cup of Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea contains properties that help relieve muscle spasms and may help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. It also helps reduce tension that may lead to less anxiety and irritability.

* Laugh a lot:  Laughter heals the soul and soothes your spirit.  Play with your child, watch a funny movie, read a few jokes,  do anything that would make you laugh.

* Eat enough fiber-rich foods:  Consuming enough fiber can help your body get rid of excess estrogen, helping reduce PMS symptoms. (Don’t forget to drink lots of water to stay hydrated).

Get enough Iron in your diet: Every month you are losing blood during menstruation so eating foods that contain lots of iron like spinach, kale, fish, lentils, beans and almonds regularly will help you prevent anemia.

* Relax and take some time for yourself:  Indulge in a bubble bath after your children are in bed or ask your partner for a massage. You deserve some “me” time  to clear your head and relax your body.

Don’t forget to exercise: Cardio exercise will boost circulation and release endorphins that will then help reduce the symptoms of PMS.

I have already noticed a big difference in my own mood and other symptoms each month by following the tips above.

What do YOU do to deal with PMS naturally? Feel free to share your own tips!

Disclosure: You should always see your doctor if your PMS symptoms are severe or if you are concerned about any of your symptoms.