
I am super excited to announce that has been selected as part of the new Yamaha Music Canada Brand Ambassador program!

Over the next 10 months of this exciting ambassadorship our preschooler will be attending weekly piano classes at a local Yamaha Music Canada school.  Music is such a fundamental component of human culture and behaviour and I am super thrilled that our son will be experiencing musical education during such an important stage of his childhood.

My husband’s business is music related and both of our little ones have been exposed to musical instruments and music since they were in the womb. Our preschooler loves music and keyboards and he is super excited to start taking the lessons in September. On the other hand we can’t wait to watch him grow, learn and flourish through his music education.

He will also receive a Yamaha keyboard to practice at home and he told me he was very excited to own his own keyboard “just like the ones Daddy works with”.  Both my husband and I can’t wait to experience this with him and we are also excited to share his development, excitement and growth with you all through monthly blog posts. Wether you are looking for music classes for your own child or you just want to learn about their teaching process be sure to stay tuned and check back for our update posts.

Have you thought about signing your little one up for music classes? 

Disclosure – I am participating in the Yamaha Music Canada Brand Ambassador program on behalf with Mom Central Canada. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.