My little guy got a trike for Easter, and as he hasn’t mastered pedaling yet, it left me bent over double pushing him along the sidewalk. The 5-in-1 Deluxe Ride & Relax® Recliner Trike is a heaven sent to parents with active toddlers, especially those who haven’t mastered pedaling.  But it’s not just for toddlers.

The 5-in-1 Deluxe Ride & Relax® Recliner Trike grows with your child! The design makes this trike perfect for the young child who can sit up and let their child get pushed around the block by their parents. The seat has a 5 point harness, and 3 reclining position, padded seat, the padded seat is removable.

It did take some time to put the trike together, thankfully, my husband was a great sport about it together. We did run into one small problem, the bottom storage bucket cracked while getting it snapped on. It doesn’t affect the use of the bottom storage bucket however, with the exception of not being about to put much in it.

I love the great parent tray on the parent push handle which is height adjustable and detachable. It has room for a water bottle, your phone and keys, as well as anything else you might need on a walk.

The canopy is removable, the height of the seat is adjustable for the height of your child and their ability or need to reach the pedals. While your child is unable to reach the pedals there is a detachable foot tray so your child’s feet don’t have to hang down.

The trike grows with baby in stages:

 • Stage 1– Recline (9+ months) Parents have 3 positions to recline the seat
• Stage 2-Stroll (9+ months) Parents push and control the trike with the waist bar in
place so the child is unable to turn the wheel
• Stage 3-Pedal (12+ months) Toddlers can learn how to pedal while parent pushes,
but they are unable to steer and turn the wheel
 Stage 4-Learn (18+ months) Remove the waist bar so the child can now steer while
parent still has control with the push bar
• Stage 5-Independent (36+ months) Remove the push bar to let your child pedal and
steer on their own with parent supervision

The trike comes with a weight limit of 50lbs. The perfect investment for any parent with a young child. A trike that completely grows with them, but also give parents the ability to steer them along.

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Disclosure: I was gifted product for review consideration, this is however not a paid post and all opinions and views on this post are 100% my own.