
That’s a photo of my 3 day old son and me back in 2010. There I was, a first time mommy experiencing the very first days of motherhood and soaking in my newborn while navigating through all of our “firsts” the best way we could.

From the moment I laid eyes on my son after he was born I knew I was there to protect him and to ensure that he had everything he needed. As a new mommy I was overwhelmed with new emotions and new experiences, getting lots of information and advice coming from a multitude of sources and with all the people wanting to hold and touch my baby at the hospital.

During the first weeks of my son’s life I spent many hours wide awake staring at my sleeping baby. I would watch for his chest movements so that I was reassured he was healthy and breathing. I was often thinking about my responsability as his mom and how  I had to keep him safe 24/7.

Before my son was born I remember thinking I was not going to be OVERprotective. I was NOT going to be a helicopter mom; one of  those control-freak types that over react when when their kids scrape their knees or fall at the playground.

As a new parent I was not prepared for how deeply I would connect with my sons emotions. Any time he would cry or exhibit signs of being in pain or discomfort I would be overwhelmed with feelings of empathy and a fundamental need to protect him.  I worried I was being  OVERprotective but I was just experiencing the natural instinct and emotion of any new mother.

As my son got older and more developed I realized that making everything easy for my child wasn’t going to help him cope with hardship later. I was possibly even hindering development by being OVERprotective. I realized that children need to learn to be confident and tackle things on their own, that you are there to encourage and help but that they need the opportunity to work out their way of doing things.

It is all an interesting balancing game. Now with a very independent toddler I am reminded daily that I have to allow him to try, to experience, to learn and to do things on his own. I am still always there for him, encouraging at every step and ready to lend him a hand, because after all I am his protective mom.

Do you worry about being an OVERprotective mom?

The Million Moments of Joy Contest!

Starting on March 5, 2013, Fisher-Price will be launching their Million Moments of Joy campaign, celebrating the REAL Joys of Motherhood. The real, honest-to-goodness, the good, and scary, the stressful, and the downright ridiculous moments we all experience as mothers!

Entering the Million Moments of Joy contest is easy, Fisher-Price is looking for real photos that show the celebration of the REAL moments of motherhood, including your own OVER_____ * moments. (HeadOVERheels, OVERachiever, OVERdue, OVERit, OVERjoyed, OVERmyhead, OVERnight, OVERprotective, OVERsensitive, OVERserved, OVERstretched, OVERthemoon, OVERtime, OVERtired, OVERwhelmed, OVERworked and more!) 

You can enter the contest here:

Win one of their weekly prizes (8 in total). Each prize pack* consists of::

  • My Little Snugabunny™ Bouncer ($89.99 CAD)
  • Laugh & Learn™ Dance & Play Puppy ($59.99 CAD)
  • Ocean Wonders™ Aquarium ($54.99 CAD)

*The value of each prize pack is approximately $200

Good Luck Everyone!


Disclosure – I am participating in the Million Moments of Joy Blogger Campaign by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Fisher-Price. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.