One thing I love about this bag is its size. It is definitively the largest wet bag I own so I can fit up to 6 of my dirty cloth diapers in it. Most of my other bags fit maybe 4 max so it is awesome for long trips or when going out for the entire day.
Something else I like is the quality of the material and how it looks like it will last a long time. I have been washing and drying it with my cloth diapers and I’ve had a really good experience so far.
The locking zipper is lead-free and it stays closed unless you unzip it. Very important when dealing with really messy diapers or wet clothes. I have also been using it when we go to the pool to store our wet clothes and it works great!
They have some really adorable prints to chose from, actually I haven’t seen those many prints for any other brand before so again lots of choices.
We are loving our wet/dry bag and now you have the chance to try your own!
Good Luck Everyone!!!