March 24, 2016
When we lived in British Columbia and kindergarten started at age 5, we started doing preschool research when my son was around 2 years...
March 23, 2016
If there is one thing that is critical to my well-being, it’s a good night sleep! We have a fabulous king size mattress that...
March 22, 2016
There are few specialty items that are needed for a yoga practice. Comfortable clothing and a willingness to step away from your day are...
March 21, 2016
Canvas Factory is a great website that offers high quality canvas prints at an affordable price. Available in the US and Canada their easy to use...
March 18, 2016
If you have a child is anything like my son, you are tripping over cars all day long. Small ones, big ones, ones that make...
March 17, 2016
Are you going on a road trip with the kids soon? Looking for snack ideas? Keep reading… I personally love family road trips and...
March 17, 2016
A while ago I discovered tiny holes at the bottom of my shirts. At first I suspected clothes moths and went crazy looking for them...
March 16, 2016
Easter is just around the corner and I am putting together Easter baskets for the boys. This year PLAYMOBIL eggs are a perfect addition...
March 15, 2016
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of CBC for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine. I was born and raised in Colombia,...
March 15, 2016
As a busy on-the-go mom I spend a lot of time driving my boys to school, classes, playdates, appointments, etc. We use our vehicle almost daily...
March 13, 2016
Pamela Chan, Contributor One day, while you’re in the first year of new motherhood, someone comes along and drops the conversational bomb. “Did you...
March 12, 2016
Confession…I am a chocoholic. I absolutely love Chocolate and I love Lindt Easter Gold Bunnies, they are a delicious Easter Tradition for our family. This year in...