August 29, 2015
So you just shelled out money for a new piece of tech, now what are you going to do to protect it? Step one...
August 29, 2015
Did you know that there is a National Mac & Cheese day? Oh yes! People across the United States celebrated their beloved macaroni and...
August 27, 2015
Back to school for our family also means back to routine and back to swimming lessons! Over the summer we spend plenty of time...
August 26, 2015
I can remember growing up and my younger brothers desperately wanting remote control toys. I can remember how quickly they were disappointed when they...
August 25, 2015
Think traditional pasta salad is boring and you would never bring one to a BBQ or potluck–think again! My Bacon, Tomato Pasta Salad with...
August 24, 2015
An RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan) is a tax-sheltered plan that helps you save for your child’s post-secondary education. You can set up an...
August 21, 2015
I am always on the hunt for new child-safe, educational apps for my almost 5-year-old’s iPad. We have an iPad for him that he uses...
August 20, 2015
Did you know September is the most prevalent month for head lice? During back-to-school season your child may come home with some unwanted little guests…...
August 19, 2015
Traveling the world is a life-changing experience for anyone who chooses to do it — no matter how old or young. If you’re looking...
August 18, 2015
I can’t believe my son will be starting Kindergarten in a month. This summer is going by fast and we have been looking for fun...
August 17, 2015
We live in Vancouver and it usually rains a lot here during the fall and winter. This year the summer has been exceptionally dry...
August 16, 2015
Life with a 4 year old and a newborn is a bit hectic, to say the least. Since it’s summer time, we like to...