Kitsilano Beach

I know it has been a while since my last “Week in Photos” update but hey, better late than never right? It is Summer time after all and that means we are spending LOTS of time outdoors.

Trout Lake
This week we spent some time at the lake,

Central Park
we went to our local parks,

baby at the beach
and of course the beach

Mom and Baby at the Beach
Seriously the last couple of days, including today have been HOT, really really HOT,

at the beach mommy and baby
so we have been taking advantage of the heat wave and we are loving it!

baby fort
And when we want a break from the sun we always have our forts for quiet reading time at home,

Baby gymnastics!
Or baby gymnastics practice ๐Ÿ˜‰

How was YOUR week?

Instagram: (photos taken with the free Instagram app on my Iphone, find me at @onesmileymonkey).