Nut Milk Recipe

By Contributor Allison Baltzersen

If you are a nut milk drinker like my lactose-intolerant, soy-intolerant self, you should try making a batch of the delicious white stuff from scratch at least once.  I procrastinated for about a year, then finally bought myself a nut milk bag and whipped up my first batch of organic cashew milk.  You know what I discovered?  It’s crazy easy to make a batch of homemade nut milk, it costs roughly the same amount as the stuff in a jug, but it doesn’t contain all the junky thickeners and stabilizers.  I’m going on almost a month of making my own (2 quarts a week) and find it pretty easy to slide into my weekly routine.  As long as I have access to reasonably priced bulk organic nuts, I may never buy a jug of the grocery store nut milk again.  Boom.  I said it.

Easy Nut Milk Recipe

Easy Nut Milk Recipe

Yield: 1 quart


  • 1 cup of raw, organic nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, etc)
  • 3 cups filtered water
  • 1 tsp sweetener (honey, agave, etc)
  • 1 pinch of salt


  • 1 nut milk bag
  • 1 blender
  • 1 quart jar
  • 1 bowl


Soak the nuts in water 4-8 hours (overnight is handy if you plan to make the milk in the morning). In a blender, combine the soaked, drained nuts (which have swollen to more like 1 ½ cups now), the 3 cups of water, sweetener and salt. Blend on HIGH for about 90 seconds until the milk is as liquefied as it’s going to get. Once liquefied, pour the milk mixture through the nut milk bag into the quart jar. Squeeze the bag to get as much milk out of the pulp as possible. Save the pulp! You can add it to your next cookie recipe so there is zero waste. Label the jar of milk so you remember when you made it, and that’s that. Seriously, the whole process takes about four minutes.

Do you make your own nut milk? Do you have any tricks to make the process even easier?

Looking for more easy and delicious recipes and kitchen tips? Click here.

Allison Baltzersen is a mother of two baby girls and blogs about her bumblings through green parenting over at Funny Shade of Green.