Have you tried holding a heavy book while holding your baby on one hand or while breastfeeding? I have and even though I managed to read a bit it was not that easy to turn the pages every time!
Nowadays most of my reading focused on baby topics. I have books on baby’s sleep, feeding, health, educations and so on. But to be able to carry them all with me inside of my diaper bag when I go out is nearly impossible! This is why I was super excited when I was given the chance to review the Kobo Wireless eReader.

The very first thing I was impressed with was the shipping! After arranging the details of the review I received my Kobo the next day! That was great as it was also the day before going away on holidays. I was able to take the Kobo with me during my European holiday and it was amazing to not have to carry any heavy books with me!
One of my favorite things about the Kobo is the page turn button’s position. I was able to hold the device and turn pages all with one hand while resting my thumb in the bottom right hand side of it. Plus the fact that it is so light and it has a rubberized back makes it really easy to handle and multi-task!
Something else I really liked is how easy it was to transfer all of my eBooks. They use the “ePub” format making it super easy to buy books basically anywhere and transfer them to their device. The fact that it has Wifi also makes it extremely easy to find and purchase new books on the spot! Without even having to leave the house.
Overall I found the Kobo is super light and sits comfortably in the hand. It has been a great and I have been able to read a lot more. It is so easy to slide it in the diaper bag and have it ready so I can read wherever I go! I recommend it to any mom wanting to read more!

Buy it: Do you want to purchase one? Check out their website
*Disclosure: I received a sample of a product to facilitate my review. No other compensation was provided and and all views and opinions stated on this post are 100% my own.
9 Comments on “Kobo Wireless eReader Feature”
I never owned one and hoping to win one… Thanks for this info.
Thanks for the info,I have this on my wishlist
I think these e readers are a great invention and they make reading so much easier
I’ve always wanted a Kobo! I love sleek and lightweight it is – so perfect for on the go reading.
Years ago I gave my kids Kobo Arc’s as Christmas gifts but I would love to upgrade them to these!
Wireless is definitely the way to go, no matter what device it is. 🙂
I must admit I much prefer a book in my hands than my reader, however I do see the advantage of less weight when flying.
This is definitely on my wishlist. I love to read and would love the alternative.
The Kobo wireless e-reader features a full-color 6-inch screen and allows you to create a library of books on your iOS or Android device. Need to get Asbestos Removal Wellington and learn more new things for concrete. The Kobo wireless e-reader feature allows you to read ebooks on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. This has been a real convenience for me, especially because I like to take my tablet and iPad outside of the house with me while gardening or cleaning up my garage.