I grew up in a family where cleaning was something we did together. Since I was very young, my sisters and I had basic chores, and we had to help my parents with cleaning around our home. We took turns doing the dishes; we kept our rooms clean and tidied up the house. As a child, I always saw cleaning and taking turns with chores as something you did when you belonged to a family, doing your share.
As an adult now, cleaning makes me happy. I keep my home clean, and I love the feeling of a clean kitchen and clean floors. I work from home, so having a clean, clutter-free home also helps me keep my mind free of mental clutter. I find it easier to concentrate and get work done when everything is in order.

Recently, my mom was going through some health issues, and she had to have surgery. I flew to Calgary for a few days to be with her and help a bit during her recovery. I spent time cleaning her kitchen, doing dishes and helping tidy up her house. I remember her smile when she came down to the kitchen and saw everything clean and organized; she was so happy and grateful! Seing the house clean and organized helped her relax and allowed her to rest without worrying about it while she healed. She even told me that helping her was the best gift I could have given her, above any material gift. I love that cleaning can make you so happy!

Keeping my home clean and helping others clean means using the right tools for the job. I remember as a child using Scotch-Brite™ Brand products to help my mom clean dishes. I love how their products have been around for many generations, and we continue to trust them and use them daily. One of my favourites is the Scotch-Brite™ Heavy Duty Dishwand because it keeps my hands out of the mess and because you fill the handle with dish liquid, it is always ready to use. We also use the Scotch-Brite™ Heavy Duty Scrub Sponge and Non-Scratch Scrub Sponge every day.

Nowadays, I get my own children involved in the cleaning process and get them to help keep our home clean. I love how happy they are when they feel like they are contributing to the family, and I am a happy mom when I see them help me do dishes with a smiley face.

I try to make cleaning fun with the boys. We usually put music on, or an audiobook or podcast and we get silly. We clean every Sunday together, and it is a bonding experience for us. The boys also have a chore chart that we follow, and they have age-appropriate jobs they help with.
Do your children help you with chores at home too?
Disclosure: This is a partnered post with Scotch-Brite™. However, all opinions and views on this post are 100% my own.
38 Comments on “Make Yourself and Others Happier with The Powerful Force of Cleaning!”
Love cleaning and taking care of my home too. Makes me feel good!
Yes, my kids definitely help with chores… also, your kitchen is GORGEOUS, girl!
That’s amazing that they help 🙂 and thank you!
What a fantastic attitude you have about cleaning. That’s so wonderful you can were able to help your mom like that. Cleaning for someone can be the best gift.
Thanks, Susan! Yes, cleaning can be the best gift <3
A clean house equals a happy mom IMO. I can’t do anything unless my working space is clean!
I absolutely love the wand and we use it everyday!!
Its great that children help out it makes them feel a part of the household. I love using my dish wand I have not seen the heavy duty sponge yet
I like my home to be clean as well, I hate if someone shows up and my house is a mess. I ,love using the Scotch-Brite pads they work great and last longer than some others!
Cleaning is definitely a challenge with 2 kids 5 years apart. One is at an age to help and the other is right there to jndp your hard work lol we try, and the right tools help so much!
My children almost certainly enjoy helping out in and around our home.
I love a clean home to as when I was young I remember helping mom clean and bake from age 6 My girls help me now and it learns them to have a clean home when they grow up and learns them to be responsible.
A clean home really does make a heart happier. Doing it together sometimes even makes it fun. We loved helping our mom growing up. We use the same products as well.
I’d also be very, very happy with whoever cleaned my apartment for me, best gift ever! I certainly don’t enjoy cleaning, it’s a necessity but I don’t like having to do it. You can pop around any time to give my apartment a good clean, now that really would make me smile and feel so very happy. Wish I could afford a cleaning lady, maybe one day.
There is nothing better than having a clean smelling home. Like the idea of children helping with the house cleaning. What a beautiful space you have.
Growing up, my son had his chores to do, sometimes he fought this but its builds character.
For the most part, I actually enjoy cleaning. I get a sense of satisfaction after my home has been cleaned. Clutter and a messy home stress me out and give me anxiety!
I love having a clean home A messy disorganized home causes me stress
love those products!! I seriously feel SO much better when my house is clean , neat and tidy. its an awesome feeling
I love using scotch brite they make cleaning so much easier Its aweome that your boys love helping
I have my son join in to teach him the importance of having a clean house. I usually have to re-do what he has done (not while he can see) I thin it is amazing that you are teaching your children too
I love a clean home too. I just wished it stayed clean longer than it does.
Scotch-Brite is a go-to brand for us! I always prefer brand name/quality cleaning products because they just make the job a lot easier. My kiddo helps with chores too!
Scotch-Brite products are great!
A clean house always makes me happy.
So important that organization and cleanliness is present in a home; it helps with physical well-being, but also mental and emotional health. We also grew up cleaning as a family and always had a set of age-appropriate chores that would rotate. I did the same with the boys and I am so happy that as teens I am seeing those early lessons employed in their daily lives now.
We have been trying to get our kids more involved in keeping the house clean. They make the majority of the mess anyway – ha ha. Aeriously, we are hoping to teach them some important life skills.
I love a clean home and these product helps me keep my home clean!
Scotch Bright products work really well. Its going to be a cleaning weekend coming up.
I love a clean home too, it is just finding the time,.
I love the heavy duty sponge – there’s nothing it cannot do!
I loved doing cleaning with my mom we didnt have a chore chart I just chipped in It helps to have the right tools for the job I love using the Scotch Brite products
Having a clean house makes me feel more relaxed, and I can sleep better too quite honestly!
Having a clean organized home makes one feel better.
You are so right that having a clean house makes one feel better, especially now that so many of us are forced to stay home longer.
You house is beautiful and sparkling. Most people I know whose home is that nice have professional cleaning, some even twice a week for a big house. I’ve been able to do more being home due to Covid, and I do get a happiness from it for sure!!!
Looks like a great product! Would love to try it out.
There’s no better feeling than having a clean home!!